The City of Calgary, on behalf of the City of Calgary, identified the need for a historic context paper to be prepared to identify the various historic themes that contributed to the heritage value of the Chinatown community in downtown Calgary. The context paper provided a foundation for the community to further identify places of historic interest for building evaluations. With a desire to better protect some of Chinatown’s heritage assets, 12 building evaluations were prepared from the context paper themes.
Project consulting role included:
- The preparation of a Context Paper for the Chinatown community in Calgary with a team of two other heritage colleagues. The context paper project included research, writing and engaging the community; and
- J M Gartly Design Studio’s preparation of four building heritage evaluations (Statements of Significance and Statement of Integrity) including the Canton Block, Canton Block Extension the Ho Lem Block and the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre. The building evaluations were approved by Council as a part of the City of Calgary’s Heritage Inventory.