Medalta in the Historic Clay District consists of Medalta, Hycroft China Factory Ltd., and the Medicine Hat Brick and Tile buildings which sit on 150-acres. These three main historic resource sites are also a part of the federally recognized Medicine Hat Clay Industries National Historic Site of Canada. The Friends of Medalta Society determined the need to establish a long-range vision and plan for these buildings as they plan forward for the most efficient usage, rehabilitation and maintenance of the buildings and their sites. The Board brought together a committee of Board members, a heritage conservationist, architect, contractor, facility manager and local historian to assess the current building uses, needed next steps and establish a vision for the 150-acre site of buildings.
Project consulting role included:
- Prepared for, contributed to, and provided summary meeting minutes as a part of a Medalta Board and heritage experts team that embarked on the project to achieve a long-range plan for the Medalta site (buildings and cultural landscape). The long-range plan was achieved in three-day long workshops at Medalta over the course of 8 months; and
- Used the Medalta Long Range Plan as a foundation for the Hycroft China Factory Conservation Plan project.