
About Us

We are passionate about working together to revitalize communities through Heritage  Conservation and Urban Design.


Over the years we have been fortunate to work in the public and private sectors with clients and professional consulting teams that resulted in award-winning projects.


Heritage Conservation
Heritage Conservation

We reinforce the value of heritage conservation through the preparation of processes, policy, design guidelines and building conservation expertise.

Downtown Revitalization
Downtown Revitalization

We creatively problem-solve the complexities of revitalizing downtowns and urban neighbourhoods from vision through to implementation.

Urban Design and Architecture
Urban Design and Architecture

We value people’s experiences in the public realm and creating a quality interface with the built-form.

Community Planning
Community Planning

We believe great communities are designed with a comprehensive understanding of the context and usage of good design principles.

Project Management
Project Management

We take pride in working together to efficiently manage projects from vision through to implementation.

Education and Stakeholder Engagement
Education and Stakeholder Engagement

We value people’s stories and observations in achieving the best plan or design project.


Historic buildings and vibrant downtowns have a sense of warmth and character that are inviting to people--be it the building or the public realm experience. The quality in the design of the building achieves this character in a downtown or urban neighbourhood, but more often than not, its the quality of the materials used on that building that leave one with the sense of wanting to stay.
Here at JMGartly Design Studio we have had a long-time love and appreciation for the value of the sustainable attributes of brick in creating special buildings and places – brick buildings welcome people! We appreciate experiencing it in our daily routine and travels with the desire to conserve it and find more ways to incorporate it into our built environment.